Who is Derren Brown? Derren Brown is an English magician, illusionist, mentalist, painter and sceptic.
Yesterday night, on 9 September 2009, Brown conducted a live TV broadcast in which he suggested that he had successfully predicted the winning National Lottery numbers prior to them being drawn. During the broadcast a number of blank lottery balls were displayed on a glass stand in clear view of the camera, and after the lottery draw had been made, the balls were rotated to reveal the winning numbers. It was explained by Derren that the only other people in the studio were two camera operators, to avoid legal issues, and that the stunt had been authorised by Camelot, the National Lottery operators.
It is strange as I can not understand what legal issues could be. People can make predictions and can show their lotto tickets whenever they want. So, did he really guessed and predicted the numbers prior the draw? Or is just an illusion and someone is putting the correct balls and we were just watching a glass reflecting another set of balls?
We delivery you here the video split from the lotto predictions and the real draw so you can see it was real time.
I do not know if it is real or not, but it is still very entretainment.
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